Chador Tenzin

Bhaskar Pradhan

Karma Gyelay

Lhendup Namgyal
Hydropower Research & Development Centre

Karma Phuntsho
Operation & Maintenance Services Centre

Chador Tenzin
General Manager, Druk Green Consultancy

Chador Tenzin currently heads Druk Green Consultancy under Projects Department. Druk Green Consultancy has been entrusted to provide consultancy services related to hydropower development spanning from investigation, preparation of pre-feasibility studies, feasibility/detailed project report and engineering services for the construction of hydropower projects. He has more than 20 years of experience in the field of hydropower planning & engineering, operation & maintenance of hydropower plant, contract & project management and supervision of hydropower construction.

He has a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Regional Engineering College, Surat, South Gujarat University, Gujarat, India, and a Master’s degree in Engineering Management from Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan.

Bhaskar Pradhan
Head, Druk Green Energy Trading

Bhaskar Pradhan currently heads Druk Green Energy Trading under Corporate Affairs Department. Before that, he worked as the Program Leader (Energy Trade) with SAARC Energy Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan. He started his career at Basochhu hydropower project during the construction of its 40 MW lower stage and has over 20 years of experience in the operation and maintenance of hydropower plants.

He has a Bachelor of Technology in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the University of Kerala, India, and a Masters of Engineering in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Brunswick, Canada.

Karma Gyelay
Head, Fleet Maintenance Division

Karma Gyelay currently heads the Fleet Management Division. Before that, he served as the head of the Dam Maintenance Unit, KHP.
He has a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from the SGR Polytechnic, Bangalore, India.

Dr. Lhendup Namgyal
General Manager, Hydropower Research and Development Centre

Dr. Lhendup Namgyal currently heads the Hydropower Research and Development Centre. Before that, he headed the then Centre of Excellence for Vibration and Thermography Analysis (CoEVaTA) and the Centre of Excellence for Gates and Instrumentation for Civil Structures (CoEGICs).

He has a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) from S.V Regional College of Engineering and Technology, South Gujurat University, India, and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of New Brunswick, Canada.

Karma Phuntsho
General Manager, Operation & Maintenance Services Centre

Karma Phuntsho currently heads Operation & Maintenance Services Centre. Before that, he headed Dagachhu hydropower plant. He has more than 20 years of experience in the implementation and O&M of hydropower plants.  He also has experience in energy trading and clean development mechanism activities.

He has a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the University of Kerala, India, and a Master’s in Energy from the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.
